Science & Tech

A New Spring, A New Sound. Listen to 18 Women of Impact.

impactmania's interviews have been featured at the UN, cited by international media, U.S. Consulate, and many other organizations. Our interview with the Berlin Philharmonic Digital Media was already cited in a report by the Harvard Business School and now is also part of a book published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing!

impactmania Interviews

The impactmania interviews of the last three years! Read the original interviews with ambassadors, designers, entrepreneurs, scientists, nonprofit leaders, and hundreds of people in your backyard who drive cultural, social, and economic impact. Here are some examples: Intel Corp's Chief [...]

Unite to Light: From Kerosine to Solar Lights

While we are sitting with our lights and screens on until the wee hours, school children in countries such as Ghana are using open-flame kerosene lamps to study. Four hours of their lights emits fumes equal to smoking two packs of cigarettes.

By |2019-07-20T04:09:44+00:00December 10th, 2018|Environment, Health & Wellness, Interviews, Science & Tech|
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