
Paksy on The Executives – 51K + views!

The most alarming learning? impactmania's tests showed that AI hiring tools such as Application Tracking Systems (ATS) often favor the least experienced candidates over top (educated and experienced) people. It’s clear that human biases and historical data play a big role in this — and how the machine learns over time. We would fool ourselves to say that algorithmic hiring is based solely on merit. 

By |2024-07-27T13:19:53+00:00July 27th, 2024|AI Hiring, Business & Economy, Community, Interviews, News, Programs, Video|

impactmania continues AI bias research in online hiring – EU funded initiative

impactmania is named an expert on algorithmic hiring for the FINDHR group which consists of European universities such as Erasmus University in Rotterdam and the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and organizations such as AlgorithmWatch and Max Planck institute.

impactmania featured on radio show: RAI GIOVANI E COMUNICAZIONE

This collaboration between NanoValbruna and impactmania, which was born during the inaugural edition of the Festival, clearly demonstrates some of the silver linings of the event, which "allowed to establish not only working relationships, but also bonds of friendship" according to Martina Chirico. 

impactmania Mentorship Program at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

From awards and grants, to lifelong relationships, and landing dream jobs, the following report encapsulates the meaningful impact impactmania internships have had on University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) students, faculty, staff, and collaborators.

Italian Newspaper Features impactmania’s Student Internship Program

As a matter of fact, we developed a relevant awareness of the world, which is now — more than ever — required to understand contemporary issues and their dynamics. And it was precisely this aspect which thrilled our editorial staff of teenagers from Friuli Venezia Giulia, forced to stay at home due to the pandemic, but focused on diverse nations, using technology to interview the ones we would had never imagined reaching.

Join us – Online Exhibition, May 18 2021

COVID made us all Digital Nomads However, it didn’t stop us from cross-cultural, interdisciplinary learning and forming friendships for life. A series of migration topics were explored in this Program — from songs inspired by migration, mirror neurons, losing of one’s name and identity, to social media being a new tool of integration. The project culminated in an online exhibition and a public presentation, May 18, 2021

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