Human Mind and Migration

New Program impactmania and UC Santa Barbara – Human Mind and Migration

impactmania Launched a New Program with the Neuroscience Research Institute, Art, Design & Architecture Museum, and the Department of Religious Studies at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).  The impactmania program Human Mind and Migration consists of an interdisciplinary internship program [...]

Rhacel Salazar Parreñas: The Un-Freedom of Poverty or the Un-Freedom of Servitude

In these orientations, the domestic migrants are told that they will likely not get a day off; they will not have an access to Internet or a cellular phone. They are told that they will be over-worked and isolated. They're told that they're probably going to get raped. That there will be moments when they want to jump off a balcony and kill themselves.

A New Spring, A New Sound. Listen to 18 Women of Impact.

impactmania's interviews have been featured at the UN, cited by international media, U.S. Consulate, and many other organizations. Our interview with the Berlin Philharmonic Digital Media was already cited in a report by the Harvard Business School and now is also part of a book published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing!

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