Business & Economy

Digital Nomads Magazine features 23 Nationalities

For the last 5 years, impactmania has featured change makers in more than 30 countries. For media outlets who are plastering "We stand by you against racism" it is about time you reflect the world in your publications. For all of us: stop buying magazines that do not acknowledge you and your community.  

Finnish CEO Tarja Huuskonen: Dancing To Heal the Brain

For the new impactmania and UCSB program: Human Mind and Migration (HMM), we are featuring migrants who have been contributing cultural, social, and economic wealth and health to their adopted countries. The series Modern-Day Migrants in the Performing Arts explores [...]

Paola Ferrari in Brussels, Belgium on a Post-COVID World

The BC (Before Corona) times are not times we want to ‘go back’ to – they were not good enough for most of the people on the planet—and for the planet itself. It is time to reimagine and reinvent a Brave, Green, Inclusive, and Prosperous New World. And to put more of the creative, generous, and talented young people in the drivers' seats.

First Korean American Mayor of a Major U.S. City, Sukhee Kang

Two incidents of police brutality [Rodney King and George Floyd] resemble their nature of racism or racial bias. The only difference is that the LA Riots severely damaged K-Town in Los Angeles where many Korean businesses were targeted by the protesters, but the current protest has been spreading all over the U.S. expressing their anger of injustice and extreme racism. 

Olympian, Beatrice Faumuinā in Auckland, New Zealand on a Post-COVID World

COVID-19 really highlighted some of our strengths and weaknesses. Strong political leadership meant New Zealand has been able to preserve human life, and our country has been singled out as a global leader in our response to COVID-19. However, it also highlighted that some areas of our economy need to improve their digital capability.

Jose Poyatos in Valencia, Spain on a Post-COVID World

A common motto in Silicon Valley is, “Fail Fast.” This encourages companies to come up stronger after a crisis, like this one, and inspire them to take risks and understand consumers better. It will be key to make people consider that our brand is honest and that our proposal is more than simply a sale. Both aspects, taking risks and acting fast, while being honest to customers is crucial for companies.

By |2020-05-20T05:10:02+00:00May 20th, 2020|Business & Economy, Community, Health & Wellness, Interviews|
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