Arts & Culture

Steve Blank on Public Service and Defining the Root of the Problem

But in reality, problems like climate are inherently complex, made by multiple players. And if you dig deep enough, you actually could find that maybe this one piece or these several pieces could be the linchpins of making major changes, rather than trying to raise tens of billions of dollars just doing X or Y.

impactmania student internship – Messaggero Veneto Scuola

This is the first group of the internship project “Human Mind and Migration” in which impactmania students from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and Italian students from Messaggero Veneto Scuola are collaborating. Their interviews will be published soon. Between Italy and the U.S., they have monthly calls, and more frequently calls and communications in the subgroup that is working on the topic.

By |2023-09-01T12:22:59+00:00April 10th, 2021|Arts & Culture, Community, Human Mind and Migration, MV Scuola|
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