impactmania’s series for NanoValbruna 2021.

Together with impactmania – Messaggero Veneto Scuola students, we interviewed 6 impact makers on the delicate balance between nature and human activities.

A conversation with architect Saba Nabavi Tafreshi.

Saba is originally from Iran, today lives and works as an architect in the Netherlands. Saba spoke with Paksy, founder of impactmania, about the famous Erasmus bridge in Rotterdam (Paksy’s birthplace!); the future of living; and social sustainability.

With Emanuele Quagliaro, student,

Filippo Savoia, videographer
Gabriella Scrufari, Messaggero Veneto
Annalisa Chirico, NanoValbruna
Paola Ferrari, Accademia di Gagliato
Paksy Plackis-Cheng, impactmania

From inspiration to impact. impactmania has interviewed 300+ change makers in 30+ countries, to connect change makers of tomorrow with those who drive cultural, social, and economic impact today.