
Language Between Host and Hosted

The fourth is more frequent with second generation immigrants and it’s marginalization. They feel “neither fish nor fowl,” so they don’t have many contacts with people of the mother culture, or with people of the host culture, because somehow they feel rejected in both. This is a more problematic situation, because these people have a sort of “emptiness of meaning”: they don’t know where they belong.      

Steve Blank on Making Meaningful Research Matter in the Marketplace

There's a huge gap between the academics and the practitioners. I think some smart university is going to start a translational entrepreneurship group, working not only on translating their academic research, but maybe going through some of the best papers and pulling out useful things for practitioners.

impactmania Interview Cited in Polytechnic University of Valencia Report

A number of other impactmania interviews have been cited in books and reports (published by university presses: Duke, Harvard, Cambridge, etc.). We are grateful impactmania’s work is recognized, cited, and shared. And most importantly, that we bring balance in the stories we tell and the people we feature!

Paola and Mauro Ferrari: Let Serendipity Open up Avenues for New Common Ventures

Hopefully by now we are agreed that certainties and probabilities are two different things. Now, let's agree, I beg you, that the opinion of a scientist is not necessarily science, itself. Only because a statement has been made by someone who works in a scientific sector, it does not make it "science". To be science, it must be based on data, it must be capable of accurate predictions, and it must have been verified in analogous circumstances. Otherwise, it is just a personal opinion.

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