We made it easier for you to catch up with Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)!

Normally, you would need to bike up the Alps, compete in an Iron Women competition, or try to secure a meeting at the UN HQ in Manhattan. We were lucky enough to catch a (bumpy but brilliant) car ride with Chantal Line on her last day @NanoValbruna in Italy.



Chantal Line was at the core of developing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the video, she shares how you and your company can apply SDGs, what she learned from working at the UN, and how we can all take part in rebalancing nature and humanity. 

Stefano Cercelletta, student
Filippo Savoia, videographer
Gabriella Scrufari, Messaggero Veneto
Annalisa Chirico, NanoValbruna
Paola Ferrari, Accademia di Gagliato
Paksy Plackis-Cheng, impactmania

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