impactmania’s series for NanoValbruna 2021.

Together with impactmania – Messaggero Veneto Scuola students, we interviewed 6 impact makers on the delicate balance between nature and human activities.

GreenBone Ortho was inspired by nature, successfully causing bone regeneration in the body. An innovative bone substitute is derived from rattan wood generating biomimetic and re-absorbable bone grafts suitable to address severe damage caused by trauma, non-union fractures or surgically induced bone defects.

Lorenzo Pradella spoke about science and tech transfer from lab to commercialization, entrepreneurship, and how to create more unicorns for Italy.

With Chiara Zanella, student
Filippo Savoia, videographer
Gabriella Scrufari, Messaggero Veneto
Annalisa Chirico, NanoValbruna
Paola Ferrari, Accademia di Gagliato
Paksy Plackis-Cheng, impactmania

From inspiration to impact. impactmania has interviewed 300+ change makers in 30+ countries, to connect change makers of tomorrow with those who drive cultural, social, and economic impact today.