Women of Impact presentation
The Women of Impact project consists of a book, museum exhibition, and presentation. Here are the presentation highlights with the inaugural group of women from the project:
“You Can’t Be What You Can’t See.”
On July 19, 2018 (170th Anniversary of Seneca Falls, the first Women’s Rights Convention in the U.S.) 23 women who are featured in the book by impactmania’s founder, Paksy Plackis-Cheng, ‘130 Women of Impact in 30 Countries’ participated in the official launch of the Women of Impact project.
The project consists of the book, museum exhibition, and presentation opened with an attendance of more than 200 people. The featured Women of Impact traveled in from 8+ U.S. cities and 5 continents (USA, Brazil, China, the Netherlands, and New Zealand).
The project is scheduled to travel globally.
The presentation took place at the Art, Design & Architecture Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).